Cito Nidhi Swarna Lakshadhikari Recurring Deposit - Get 2gms & above 916 Gold Coin as Member Bonus along with RD Maturity    |   Welcome to Cito Nidhi Limited, a fast growing and trusted Quasi-Banking Mutual Benefit Organization    |   Earn high annualized yield of 14.16%* on the Cito-444 Fixed Deposit    |   Cito Nidhi Dhanavruddhi Deposit Scheme - CITO 444 Fixed Deposit    |   

Fixed Deposit

Cito’s Fixed Deposit provides you with the convenience of receiving interest at regular intervals as you desired (Half-Yearly/ Quarterly/ Monthly).

This ideally suited for persons who in need of regular flow of income stream and dependent on regular interest income.

91 Days

91 Days

Min. Period

5 years

5 years

Max. Period

Min Rs. 10000/-

Min Rs. 10,000/-

Minimum Deposit Amount

Features and Benefits

  • Can be opened by all individuals including Minors under Guardianship
  • Nomination Facility Available, Loan Facility Available.
  • Pre-Mature Closure is allowed, subject to applicable norms of the Fixed deposit scheme.
  • Period available from 91 days to 5 years 
  • Interest is payable at regular intervals as desired by the depositor. No discounting factor applied on monthly interest income which is more beneficial
  • For Women Depositors 0.50% and for Senior Citizen Depositors 0.75% Extra interest on above rates. Contact for special rates for deposits above Rs 1 Cr.

Terms and Conditions

  • Minimum deposit amount can be invested from Rs 10,000/- and in multiples of Rs 1,000/-. No restriction on maximum deposit amount. This deposit is only eligible for Simple Interest calculation
  • Minimum Period is 91 days in multiples of 3 months thereafter subject to Maximum period is 60 months
  • Interest amount can be credited on 1st of every month to SB account with CITO Nidhi or any other bank account as per depositor’s choice. If the FD is opened in any day of the month, the interest will be calculated on pro-rata basis for that month and paid to account on 1st of subsequent month
  • Interest will be calculated at the rate applicable for the period the deposit has actually remained with the Bank. 
  • The rates are subject to change from time to time and same will be notified. 
  • All Guidelines applicable with regard to acceptance, payment and transfer of term deposits will apply to the deposits acceptance under this scheme.
  • Pre-Closure charges of 2% applicable on contract rate for the period run
  • Its mandatory to become as a member of the CITO Nidhi Ltd. Member should subscribe for minimum 10 Shares with face value of Rs 10/- per share and total value of Rs 100/-. Should comply with RBI KYC norms and should provide original KYC documents along with photocopy for verification
  • Interest will be calculated at the rate applicable for the period the deposit has actually remained with the Bank. 
  • The rates are subject to change from time to time and same will be notified. 
  • All Guidelines applicable with regard to acceptance, payment and transfer of term deposits will apply to the deposits acceptance under this scheme.

Interest Rate

FD Scheme FD Period Monthly Interest for MIS Scheme Interest Rate Annualised Yield*
CITO-4OO FD 400 Days * 12.50% 14.45%
MIS FD 72 Months 1250/- 15.00% 15.00%
CITO Double Deposit Bond 72 Months * 12.00% 17.21%
GOLD Deposit Bond - MIS 36 Months 1100/- 13.20% 14.70%
GOLD Deposit Bond - Cumulative 36 Months * 11.25% 14.70%

*** Premature Closure Charges of 2.00% will be applicable

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