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Daily Deposit Account

Cito Nidhi presents a Unique saving schemes of Daily Deposit Account for daily income earners. The daily income earners can park aside their surplus funds on daily basis. Bank's authorized agent will collects the daily deposits from the customer's doorstep.

Min Rs. 100/-

Min Rs. 100/-

6 % for 180 Days

6 % for 180 Days

8 % For 360 Days DD

8 % For 360 Days DD

Features and Benefits

  • Can be opened by all Business Individuals and Entities
  • Nomination Facility Available, Loan Facility Available.
  • Period available from 180  Days and 360 Days
  • Partial withdrawal allowed on certain conditions
  • Pre-Closure allowed as per  Nidhi rules
  • Can apply for DDBL loan after after a month's DD savings
  • Real time SMS facility on daily transactions

Terms and Conditions

  • Daily Deposit Account can run for the entire period of  180 / 360 Days For the regular DD accounts, 
  • Interest will be paid at the time of maturity. No Pre-Mature Closure is permitted before 91 Days, since DD opening
  • No interest will be paid for Pre-mature Closure of DD account and Partial Withdrawal DD accounts.
  • There would be minimum of Rs 200/- & maximum of one Day DD amount will charged for Pre-Mature Closure of DD account before the maturity.
  • Partial Withdrawals for exclusive Savings are allowed  to the extent of 75% of the DD outstanding amount and no interest will be paid for Partial withdrawal accounts.
  • 5 times for 360 Days Account  3 times for 180 Days Account
  • For DDBL Accounts no partial withdrawal, no pre-mature closure is allowed and the customer has to deposit the DD amount daily till the Loan account is closed. If any lapses will lead to recalling of entire Loan Amount. 
  • Once customer opens Daily Deposit account, he/she has to deposit money on all working days of the bank. Any missing day deposit will be added on subsequent day and have to deposit both the days amount.
  • If the irregular continues for more than 15 days, the account will be stopped and the amount will be refunded on original maturity date. In the event of death of depositor, the amount can be refunded to nominee / legal heirs as per the deceased claim process.
  • Its mandatory to become as a member of the CITO Nidhi Ltd. Member should subscribe for minimum 10 Shares with face value of Rs 10/- per share and total value of Rs 100/-. Should comply with RBI KYC norms and should provide original KYC documents along with photocopy for verification.
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